Saturday, July 28, 2007

Savitri Era Party compared with others

Political Party # Politics # Culture # Religion # Economics # Foreign Policy
Congress # All-inclusive Pan-Indian appeal # Secular # Gandhi, Neheru, Indira # Pro-Market # Pro-American
BJP # Hindu-centric # Religion-Mythology based # Savarkar, Golwalkar, Deendayal # Pro-Market # Pro-American
CPM, CPI # TU-based, Localised # Well-oiled Atheist culture-machine # Marx, Lenin, Mao # Anti-Market # Anti-American, Internationalism
SP, JD # OBC-supported # Ethnic solidarity, Secular # Lohia, JP, Narendra Dev # Ambivalent # Anti-American
BSP # Dalit-victimhood # Ethnic solidarity, Buddhist # Ambedkar, Kansi Ram # Ambivalent # Ambivalent
Savitri Era # All-inclusive Pan-Indian appeal # Religion-based Human Unity # The Mother and Sri Aurobindo # Pro-Market # Pro-American, Internationalism

1 comment:

  1. Admirably & thoughtfully formulated.The position of the Savitri Era Party, as stated seems to have the widest sweep & appeal. At a time when the human mind is rapidly expanding its horizon this appeal seems to be a timely one. Those also neglected & pushed to the periphery by the present players may also derive hopes for inclusiveness from the stated position. Can we at last start working towards ending ending parochialism in Indian politics? The odds are formidable but equally formidable is the new programme, it holds in it in seed form the possibilities of a new society & a new culture of public-life & conduct.
