Friday, April 18, 2008

Brits learnt nothing from their engagement with India

[110 Best Books: The Perfect Library from Integral Options Cafe by WH
The Telegraph UK posted an article that attempts to suggest what books in a variety of categories should be included in the perfect library. As always, these things are pretty arbitrary, and this list is British, so an American list might look a bit different. You can tell how British the list is by the fact that Ted Hughes, a minor poet at best, made the list in poetry. Silly, silly Brits. Still, the idea is interesting, as is the list. Here are a couple of the categories -- others include most major genres (sci-fi, romance, literary fiction, crime, and so on), as well as books that changed the world and books that changed your world.]

Evidently, The Life Divine is missing. Pity that the Brits learnt nothing from their engagement with India. [TNM]

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