Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Sri Aurobindo establishes a firm benchmark

Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 7h Injustice & corruption can never be eradicated so long as relatives and friends continue to condone or even encourage such acts of a person.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 8h Socialism will survive as long as natural calamities inflict large scale disasters as market forces shrink inordinately during such moments.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 9h Dreaming of a rosy economy is a survival kit against depression for many armchair commentators who fail to reconcile with what prevails now.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 9h Take away competition, the Market is dead. Take away ambition and struggle for leadership within a party or an alliance, it's likely to die.
@SavitriEraParty: Despite all apprehensions regarding the proposed Federal Front the best thing about it is that no one person will dominate over its working.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 8h Congress and BSP declined due to one-person dominance; BJP and AAP are likely to meet the same fate. Third Front must internalize democracy.
@SavitriEraParty: @Realist_Indian Play of real and regional forces should enthuse all democrats, the impending slugfest and thwart on economy notwithstanding!
@SavitriEraParty: It's only because The Mother & Sri Aurobindo made us aware of how Hitler was a tool of hostile force that we understand his place in history.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty Feb 2 The Mother & Sri Aurobindo are the most authentic guides as regards Civilizational history and direction as well as true Vedic connotations.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty Feb 2 @Vivtweeter Yeah, good compilation but such distortions are everywhere and happening every day. Sri Aurobindo establishes a firm benchmark.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty Feb 2 History of Philosophy shows how arguments of great rigor were demolished a decade or two later with matching sophistication & convincing way.
@SavitriEraParty: The beauty of Twitter is that no one claims objectivity since all are unabashed activists or propagandists. Evolution extracts final truth.
@SavitriEraParty: Twitter forces refining an idea by chiseling it to precision without the necessity of expanding a unique thought to authoring an entire book.
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty Feb 2 Many books are misleading in the sense that references to subsequent refutations are missing and hence @amazon reviews are of a great help.
@SavitriEraParty: Ontological intention vis-a-vis diversity Posted by Tusar Nath Mohapatra, Director, Savitri Era Learning Forum (SELF) http://t.co/kpgWgaHHyE
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty Feb 2 Tusar Nath Mohapatra: @amazon Reviews http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A18KJO8OJZ8YZE/ref=cm_pdp_reviews_see_all?ie=UTF8&sort%5Fby=MostRecentReview … The Secret of the Veda, Isha Upanishad, Savitri, Sri Aurobindo and Karl Marx

Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 12h [The Eternal Message of Sage Aurobindo - Swami Krishnananda] http://goo.gl/alerts/aiWd #GoogleAlerts
Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty 17h ['The Nature of Divinity in the World is an Enigma' Essays Divine and Human by Sri Aurobindo - The New Indian Express] http://bit.ly/LqbVUe 
[Retweeted by Savitri Era Party santosh krinsky @santoshk1 Feb 2 The One Supreme, Universal and Individual Godhead] http://wp.me/pCLXM-1SU 
[Retweeted by Savitri Era Party santosh krinsky @santoshk1 Feb 2 The Individual Soul Living In the Divine Nature] http://wp.me/pCLXM-1SY 

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